About Us

Welcome to WaysDataLabs !
Our dream of offering seamless analytical solutions with real-time data, unaffected by constraints of time and human error. We saw a gap in the industry data collation and the Business Intelligence derived therein. Hence, with our experience, we together embarked on a journey to use Augmented Analytics to optimally convert data into Business Intelligence, absolving the dependency on timed data. Waysdatalabs is a credible Solutions Provider for data needs, analysis and the resultant business decisions of corporates. Our vision is to democratize AI & BI and empower as many as 1 million businesses by 2030, with realistic solutions. We strive to make Augmented Analytics accessible across industries and revolutionize the way data works and create meaningful marketing sagas for organizations, globally. As a part of our Global Digital Transformation Strategy, we aim at completing 101 BI business cases by 2030, predominantly from the world of Education, Healthcare, Retail and Entertainment. Also, in December 2019, we proudly filed our first patent application, featuring unique Video Analytics technique to perform “Anonymous Customer Profiling ".

Our Services

Services – Prime Offering:

MVP or ‘minimum viable product’ refers to the initial stage of creating the first workable (and saleable) version of your new business concept. Turning an Idea into an MVP requires the start up to research about it, validate it, test it, have a solution blueprint and proposal in place, then execute it, and finally focus on supporting customers. WaysAhead Global with its idea to MVP services helps organizations build MVPs better, faster, and cost effectively.

Who can benefit with this scheme?

Whom we collaborate with?

Countries in Focus:

Start Ups having great visionary ideas however struggling with the process of converting the idea into actual revenue model.`

Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors, Startup Incubators and Accelerators, Immigration Lawyers, Patent Attorneys, Chamber of Commerce.

Canada & Australia

Services included

  • Concept + Tech Note preparation
  • App development (web, mobile and omnichannel)
  • Product Launch (MVP) and Market Reach Analysis
  • Logo Design and Brand Guidelines
  • Discovery Report and Market Fit Analysis
  • GTM strategy and International Expansion Framework
  • Solution Design and Development frameworks
  • IP Readiness and Commercialization Plan
  • Product Outreach Management

Latest Onboards:

Legal-Tech Start Up, France

Logistic Start Up, Indonesia

Healthcare Start Up, Bahrain

Food-Tech Start Up, Turkey

Mother & Child Care Start Up, AUS

Shipping-Tech Start Up, Singapore

Construction Start Up, Estonia

IP & Patenting Start Up, Cambodia

Ed-Tech Start Up, Malaysia

Fitness Start Up, Italy

Fin-Tech Start Up, Australia

The Next Start Up, we Revenutionize, could be your’s; you have a deal. Don’t leave before connecting with us.

Our Solutions

WaysAhead Global’s Pride – Our Babies

In House Jewels – Our Most Ambitious Projects

Web/App Development Marvels - Most Popular Client Projects

Recent MVPs – Projects under Idea2MVP Scheme

Our News


Better User Interface

Sint commodo ut excepteur esse in dolor est pariatur minim aliqua esse incididunt minim amet exercitation.


Experts Web Design Tips

Exercitation velit dolor consequat enim veniam nulla dolor sunt laborum non magna ad veniam consequat minim.


Importance Of Web Design

Excepteur ut commodo incididunt ut in commodo voluptate anim do elit occaecat commodo ut ea sint sunt.


Avoid These Erros In UI Design

Occaecat dolor dolore ut ut sint deserunt dolore incididunt mollit anim magna fugiat et ex fugiat anim esse ea.


Make Mobile Website Faster

Lorem ipsum eiusmod eiusmod aliquip tempor duis in dolor id labore sed commodo magna qui quis dolor eu.


How Sell Digital Product

Veniam ut ex sed dolor eiusmod labore in enim elit fugiat eu proident minim ut cillum aliquip amet eiusmod.

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